Ivor Martinić’s new play Jackpot is a generational story about friendship, love, relationships and compromise. Sanja and the couple Goran and Sara are longtime friends who entered their late thirties together. They belong to a generation that is already somewhat tired of life and exhausted from the daily struggle for a better existence, a generation that rationally plans its future, without many youthful illusions. However, when Goran picked the right numbers on a lotto ticket and Sara and he win a large jackpot, their relationship with Sanja changes irreversibly. Calculations become resolute, desires great, and expectations disappointed. Dealing with the breakup of a friendship, Jackpot asks the question if we can really be happy for our friends, even if their happiness is the result of pure chance? Do we really believe in the power of friendship? Do we choose only those friends with whom it is easier to be unhappy? Can we even choose our friends? And does true friendship even exist?
Jackpot also represents the continuation of the work of playwright Ivor Martinić on his own original screenplay, done in cooperation with all participants of the process. Self-ironically questioning his position as an author who stages a text initially written for the screen, Ivor Martinić deals with the specifics and differences between film and theater. While on the content level, the play deals with the story of a friendship, on the formal level he tries to detect what makes up, on the one hand, the relationship between what happens in the time between the action and the cuts, and, on the other, the mechanism that surrounds this time.
Kerempuh Theater, Sonja Kovačić, Ivan Penović, Alen Marin, Neno Belan, Vanja Jambrović, Maja Posavec, Dino Ljuban, Tin Rožman, Robert Salčić, Vedrana Klepica, Nerma Mehadžić, Selma Mehadžić, Nikolina Židek.
The play uses the song “Ponoćna zvona” by Neno Belan.
playwright and director
Ivor Martinić
Jelena Kovačić
Sanja Milardović, Iva Jerković, Silvio Vovk, Ksenija Marinković (on video projection)
Magdalena Ptiček
sound recorder
Sunčica Ana Veldić
sound recording assistant
Dominik Čović
light designer
Igor Markić-Nikolac
Ivor Martinić, Romana Brajša
production assistant
Hana Zrnčić Dim, Dina Tudor
Karla Jurić, Ivor Martinić
T25 arts organization and KunstTeatar
November 17, 2022
60 minutes